
Friday, July 27, 2012

Pony Express Adventures

Well hello everybody!

Ok, so I thoroughly appologize for the lack of posts. here in Utah land life has been quite a bit crazy to say the least. We have been busy little bee's over here with our business of installing Real Estate signs then our fun horse adventures, enjoying the outdoors, and gardening. I DO miss blogging, so I figured, I will do a post at least once a month, but will shoot for more ;)

So my first post is to share our Pony Express adventure. For those who are not horsey nerds the Pony Express reinacts the carrying of the mail on horseback from St. Louis Missouri to San Fransico CA all on horseback 24 hours until the mail is delivered. We also try to maintain the same route and traditions of the original riders (well, aside from preferably being orphaned young boys hahaha!) Some of those traditions include carrying a bible during your run and ensuring we are all sworn in prior to the ride. This year's run put me in the desert which is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I actually enjoy riding in the desert....well aside from blistering heat and needing to be donned in the uniform of a long sleeve shirt, kercheif, and vest. Being that it was nearing the 100's made for a roasty toasty run. As I didn't have the luxory of spending the night, I left my house at 2 a.m. to meet the other riders at 4. I'm sure my poor horse thought I was stir crazy loading him up at that ghastly hour in the morning. Overall the run went well. the mail wasn't TOO far behind, so there wasn't much waiting around to do. Which, I might add, we do quite a bit when carrying the mail. I hadn't participated in the Pony for a few years while my little one was well...little. Now that she is older I figured this would be a good year to rejoin :) I'm glad I did. I really missed my Pony Express family. Utah is divided into two "families" and I was so happy to see my family had not changed much. Man, I have to chuckle at some of those hard core old timer cowboys who ride year after year. One of my family members is pushing 80 and he is a bit ummmm....scary to watch. I swear he is either going to fall asleep or just plain topple off his mount on his rides. Yet, that fella cowboys up and rides year after year :)

Alrighty, guess that's enough chatter, how about some pictures?

This is the Pony Express Monument out in the desert. It was such a pretty morning.

Another lovely morning shot.

This is the monument and an original (restored) XP station cabin.

The first rider in our family taking the mail.

My Pony and I waiting for our turn :)

Waiting some more (sorry cell phone pic)...

More waiting.....get the picture??

Waiting is over and we got the mochilla loaded with the mail!

Aaaaaaand we are OFF!

Go Smokey GO!

All done with our first 2 mile run (boy he sure does look arabianish here)

My little pony did good!

Thanks everyone for reading and catching up with a little Pink Cowgirl adventure. Till next time!


  1. Yeah! Loved that post, and look forward to more in the near future! (See, the squeaky wheel DOES get the grease!)

  2. i LOVED this! I have always been fascinated and admiring of your Pony Express re-enactments! Thank you so much for posting this, Jilly. You and Smokey totally ROCK <3

  3. Ummm, this always confuses me, anyways - I'm the "Unknown" poster above :D

  4. How did I miss this!?!? How totally awesome you get to take part in this??!?! Smokey looks like he enjoys it as well!! What a great bit of history :D
    Now I guess I need to go blog as well??? LOL

  5. I believe the historical starting point was St. Joseph, Mo.; not St. Louis.

  6. P.S. I think a " Wrangler Jane " ,aka, actress Melody Patterson of F-Troop t.v. fame , sleeker type cowboy clothes would look more authentic; certainly sexier.
