
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Creamy Avacado Cucumber Soup

Well...I lied. Here I am with cheeks the size of watermelons (maybe not watermelons, but that description was taken from my daughter) or the face of a butternut squash (Dear Husband's description). So in desperation to find something for lunch that was cold, filling, and NOT sweet I did some searching on the computer for SOME sort of cold soup. That being said. I have never really tried a cold savory soup. Me being a soup lover, I guess I need to be adventurous and start trying the many different versions soup has to offer. Now since I have absolutely no chilled soup recipes I relied on good ol' google to get me started on some chilled soup recipes and ideas. Doing so, I found many unique and some interesting food combinations that could be presented in a some form or the other as soup. One of them caught my attention that seemed like it would offer the wonderful combination of creamy and cool. Of course the biggest persuasion is that I knew I had those ingredients on hand and I didn't have to send my sweet hubby for a grocery run. What sort of combination am I talking about? Well it would be avocados and cucumbers. It also has turned out to be a lifesaver as the preparation and creation of this little number is less than a jiffy. Now just exactly how long is less than a jiffy?  Well it's a wee bit longer than likety split but not quite as long as two shakes of your fist ;)

Now that we know just exactly how long this little chilled soup number will take to make, here is how to make your wisdom teeth removal friendly lunch. Take the following ingredients and place them in a blender:

2 medium peeled cucumbers
2 avocados (innards only. minus the pit)
1 small garlic clove cut into sections
juice of 1-2 limes (the amount should be roughly 1/4 cup give or take)
2 tablespoons sour cream
2 tablespoons minced cilantro
salt and pepper to taste

Now give all of that a good blending until it's nice and smooth. Top with a bit of extra sour cream, sprinkle of freshly minced cilantro, and a spray or two of lime juice to up the zing factor.

Yummy in my tummy.

Now I am thinking instead of the sour cream, next time, I want to use some plain goat milk yogurt or greek yogurt. I think the slight tartness yogurt has will be a welcome accompaniment. I will keep you posted.


  1. Mm, that sounds nice! Meals after having a wisdom tooth extracted can get pretty boring. Having some extra flavor after the encounter between the dentist and your wisdom teeth would definitely be nice.

  2. LOL! Tabitha, you are RIGHT. I was certainly quite tired of all the sweet things (popsicles, smoothies, yogurt, ect). It was a nice change. Next time I make this, I'm thinking of dipping chips. It would make a tasty tangy quacamole :)
