
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Oven Roasted Chicken and Kale

I would like to thank my good friend Kate for this wonderful, cheap, healthy, and oh so savory recipe. I was having a rough night....tired of my grilled chicken legs and canned veggies since that was about the only thing I could eat. Well.....Kate went on a recipe finding frenzy. This was one of those recipes in the trove she sent over. 

First in this delicious little journey we want to roast up your garlic. Easy Peasy I am tellin ya. Preheat your oven to 400 then nestle that little garlic bud into some tin foil. Drizzle on about 1 Tablespoon of olive oil, wrap it up leaving a little breathing room at the top for steam to exit, and BAM.....that's it. Place it in the oven and bake it four about 45 mins to an hour.
Next it's time for some slicin and dicin. You will need 1 small onion (about 1/2 cups worth), 1 bunch of kale, and 6-7 small taters (or 2-3 larger ones).

Next you want to de-vein (is that even a word????) your kale. Real simple, I promise lol! Once de-veined (once again apologizing to all the English majors out there), roughly chop up your greens.

Next de-skin (here I go again with getting all creative with the words :) or maybe I just like hyphens lol) your chicken legs. You will want about 7-9 depending on the crowd your feeding. Once they are bare nekked and skinless, set them aside. By this time, your garlic should be pretty close to roasted. Check if it is nice, soft, and tender with a fork.Once you remove your garlic, raise your oven temp to 450.

In a 9x13" pan, toss together the diced onion and kale with1/4 cup olive oil dash of smoked paprika (now....if you have not tried smoked paprika, go out and BUY some. The tastebuds will thank you. Trust me. Mine keep reminding me how grateful they are that I have that spice in my pantry hehe), about 4-5 roasted minced garlic cloves, salt, and pepper. Now, time to tuck in your taters. Get em all comfy and snuggled in their bed of plush greens. Tell em a bed time story if you'd like. 

Now, season your chicken with S&P and dashes of the smoked paprika (I'm tellin ya.....go GET some).

Isn't that purdy? Now cover it with foil and place in the center rack of your oven. Roast for a good 45 minutes. Remove the foil and roast an additional 15-20.

YUM! Now, what this dish lacks in color and prettiness (boy.....another Jillism lol), it makes up for in personality. I had to have a second helping of those greens. Dash a little Tobasco on em and you are in greens glory.

I just have to mention...I was SO excited to eat this. Not only is it very good for you, but it's really a budget friendly meal. The chicken legs were about $4, the kale $1.50, taters $1.50 and most kitchens will already have the olive oil and seasonings. 

Alrighty, here is the recipe breakdown:

1 bunch roughly chopped Kale with inner rib removed
1 1/2 lbs potatoes (can be any kind) sliced into medallions
1 small onion diced
4-5 minced roasted garlic cloves
1/4 cup olive oil
Smoked Paprika
7-9 skinless chicken legs

Preheat oven to 450. In large baking dish, toss kale, onion, olive oil, salt, pepper, and dashes of paprika. Nestle the potatoes into the kale. Season the chicken with salt, pepper, and paprika, then place on top of the vegetable bed. Cover with tin foil then place on the center rack of the oven and roast for 45 minutes. Remove tin foil and bake for an additional 15-20 minutes.

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